Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone Classroom (RSC) Areas of Impact: Remember RSC helps world language programs but also is very effective to support English as a Second Language, Adult Education & Special Education initiatives. Please pass the information/invitation to the appropriate District staff. A fundamental responsibility of educators is to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world economy. Only 9% of the U.S. population is bilingual. In a recent survey of 400 employers, 62%deemed the foreign language skills of high school graduates deficient for the current workforce. (Kornferry study – 2010). Rosetta Stone Online Learning Solution is a 21st century, scalable, motivational, proven language learning platform. Choosing a Language: No need to choose specific languages fro your students. This choice is made at the original login. Each "student" is assigned only one language at a time. The option to change the specified language is available through the administrator. Students, faculty, and staff can learn one of the 20+ languages available, including languages critical to the global economy such as Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Arabic and English. Rosetta Stone has made great strides in improving the quality of their language acquisition programs which are frequently focused around English as a Second Language, TESOL, LEP, Foreign Languages (LOTE) and parent involvement initiatives. For additional information contact: Jacob Bebar Regional Account Manager ⎮ Rosetta Stone K-12ME, MI, MN, NH, VT, WI, and Canada Home Office: (774) 323-3328 | iPhone: (540) 810-5309 Email: | Pricing Pricing: The pricing is based on ACTEM's initial number of licenses ordered. Pricing will be $120 per subscription (one-on-one license) for the 2019-20 school year. Required Information on PO: Individual's name, academic email address, and phone for a designated administrator of this account for your school regardless of the size of the order. Each individual school will manage their own site and one individual will be in charge of the administrative login. Products Available: - Subscriptions (one-on-one license) |